Raising a family is a challenging endeavor. Personality clashes, bad habits, addictions, friendships, and finances can all play a role in how your family dynamics work. If your family is not the traditional unit of mother, father, and children, but instead consists of single parents or remarried parents with stepchildren, then the family dynamic may include additional factors. No matter what your situation, family counseling in Agoura Hills may be the answer for you.

You want peace in your home. Often, this means that you need to work together as a family and understand the dynamics in the relationships as well as how to manage the different personality types. Family therapy at Agoura Christian Counseling can help bring peace to your home.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182

When considering family counseling in Agoura Hills, California, you must take into account any issues each family member may be experiencing and how those issues affect the family as a whole. The family unit is only strong when you work together with love and grace. However, certain mental conditions and behaviors can cause a rift in relationships.

Below are a few of the topics discussed in family counseling at Agoura Christian Counseling:

  • Addiction
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Abandonment and Neglect
  • Abuse
  • Anger Issues
  • Anxiety, Fear, and Phobias
  • Autism
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Substance Abuse
  • Codependency
  • Behavioral Issues in Children
  • Depression
  • Financial Problems Causing Stress in the Household
  • Divorce and Remarriage
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief
  • Infidelity and Affairs
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Relationship Issues
  • Teen Issues
  • Trauma

The above is not an exhaustive list. Please reach out to our counseling office in Agoura Hills for help on a topic not listed above.

Family counseling can look different for everyone. Each family has their own set of issues to confront. Your family counselor in Agoura Hills will assess what issues and conditions have the largest impact on your family and create a plan to help you through it together.

It can be challenging to discuss painful or uncomfortable topics. Family therapy at Agoura Christian Counseling provides you with a safe and non-judgmental environment to share opinions and learn how to navigate through these topics.

Adolescence can be a tough transition for teens and their families. These children are caught between being the child they were and the adult they are to become. Emotions can run high and personalities can clash in a household.

At Agoura Christian Counseling, family counseling will help your teen learn how to communicate in an effective way as well as control impulsive behaviors. Your family counselor can help your teen understand more about who they are and who they want to be. By the time your family sessions are complete, your teen should have an understanding of how their behavior affects the family and how to maturely navigate common issues at home.

When you contact Agoura Christian Counseling, our reception team will connect you with a counselor specializing in family issues. You can meet in person or virtually depending on your needs. You may start with an initial consultation to see if family counseling is a good fit for you. If it is, your counselor may recommend weekly sessions for six to twelve weeks or more.

Your counselor might assign “homework” or goals for the family to meet each week or new habits to try and report back at the next session.

God created the family unit. A strong family unit can help dispel issues that creep up when a family is vulnerable, such as peer pressure, abuse, trauma, and addiction. The Bible offers advice for mothers, fathers, and children. Family equates to love and is a variant of the love God has for us. He stands in the role of the ultimate Father, and we, as His sons and daughters.

Human families have flaws. Parents make mistakes and children act impulsively and say and do things they may regret later in life. Although we try to live our lives as Christ-like as possible, we often need help. The counselors at Agoura Christian Counseling understand this and want to help you through the obstacles standing in your way while encouraging you to grow in your relationship with Christ.


Family counseling in Agoura Hills, California could help bridge the gap when it comes to miscommunication. The techniques and skills you learn through your counselor can show you how to resolve conflict peacefully while supporting one another.

Contact us at Agoura Christian Counseling today to schedule a session with a counselor. We would love to help your family live peaceful and united lives.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182