God created us to be social creatures. Even the most introverted of us seek companionship and connection. Group counseling in Agoura Hills, California is an efficient format used by counselors at Agoura Christian Counseling for a wide range of mental conditions, behavioral issues, and emotional problems.

Find support at Agoura Christian Counseling with a community of others dealing with the same issues and sharing how they are managing and overcoming with counseling and the grace of Jesus Christ.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182

Group counseling is a form of therapy that places people together struggling with the same issue or condition to share and gain insight. The group may meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Participants take turns sharing their experiences and the techniques that have helped them overcome their problems, while the counselor leading the group provides therapeutic direction.

Although more people opt for individual counseling, group counseling is picking up speed due to its effectiveness with various conditions. Most people find group counseling a more affordable option than individualized therapy.

The following is a list of common issues and mental conditions that can benefit from group counseling:

  • Abandonment and Neglect Issues
  • Addiction
  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Anger Issues
  • Anxiety, Fear. And Phobias
  • Behavioral Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Caregiver Counseling
  • Depression
  • Divorce
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief
  • Infidelity and Affairs
  • Marriage Counseling (including Premarital Counseling)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Relationship Issues (including Toxic Relationships and Abuse)
  • Trauma
  • Men’s Issues
  • Women’s Issues

Group Counseling for Children and Teens

Group counseling in Agoura Hills, California is also available for children and teens. Children and teens face challenges in childhood unlike what teens met just thirty years ago, such as cyberbullying. Group counseling at Agoura Christian Counseling is an excellent opportunity to bring teens together to share and discuss issues with the understanding that they are not alone. If you are the parent of a teen, you may learn that your child brings a unique perspective to the issues and can offer suggestions to help another child.

Each group counseling session is led by a licensed counselor in Agoura Hills who guides the group and offers suggestions to participants. The therapist provides an agenda for each session and makes sure the conversation stays on track in order to benefit everyone involved.

At Agoura Christian Counseling, group therapy is confidential. Participants may only go by first names. This allows people to feel safe and confident enough to share their struggles. If you attend in-person group sessions, you may have time to socialize before and after the session, forming bonds and possibly new friendships.

Virtual sessions are considered safe environments for sharing. The host (the counselor) only invites the participants. Depending on the format of the session, you may have time before the session to get to know one another.

Online group therapy is a great option for participants who feel self-conscious around others or struggle with social anxiety. You can participate from home or anywhere you feel relaxed and comfortable as long as it is someplace private. You want to be able to share without people overhearing the conversations.

At Agoura Christian Counseling, we address every aspect of your health. We want to see you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually sound. The only way to do this is by addressing issues from a Christian foundation and a knowledge of evidence-backed psychotherapy methods.

The Bible says, “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13, NIV) When we serve Jesus, He empowers us to break down strongholds. Our struggles are impossible to beat without God’s strength and grace. At Agoura Christian Counseling, we aim to strengthen the relationship with Jesus Christ as we bust through old mindsets, harmful behaviors, and emotional setbacks.

God knows our past, but He also knows what the future holds. He stands beside us, waiting to hear our knock and ask for His help. We want to see you grow in your relationship with God as you overcome what is holding you back from fully being the version of yourself God intended to fulfill His purpose.

If group counseling sounds right, contact our office today by completing the contact form or calling a receptionist at Agoura Christian Counseling. We will connect you with a counselor who will contact you for an initial assessment. After you and your counselor create a counseling plan, you can choose group counseling as an option.

Give us a call today to get started.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182