You finally proposed! Or maybe you said YES to the love of your life. You might be wondering why you should consider premarital counseling. Shouldn’t you wait until you actually have a problem to seek counseling?

In a nutshell, no. Sometimes when we wait until an issue becomes too big to ignore, it can feel hopeless to seek help. You may find yourself considering divorce instead of counseling. Premarital counseling in Agoura Hills, California enables you to be proactive.

Colorado State University reported that of couples that seek counseling before marriage, as many as 80% do better than couples who refused counseling. You want your marriage to start great and only get better with time. At Agoura Christian Counseling in California, premarital counseling can set the stage.

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Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182

Why should you seek premarital counseling? Premarital counseling addresses issues that may come up in the relationship or it may uncover mindsets or behaviors that could be potential problems in the future.

Below is a list of common topics discussed during premarital counseling in Agoura Hills:

  • What to expect when getting married
  • Remarrying
  • Whether or not to have children
  • When to start a family
  • Becoming a stepparent
  • Blended families
  • Conflict resolution
  • Anger management
  • Mental health conditions
  • Boundaries in marriage
  • Physical intimacy
  • Emotional intimacy
  • Financial plans
  • Financial stress
  • Grief and loss
  • Parenting beliefs
  • In-laws and extended family boundaries
  • Infidelity and affairs
  • Career goals
  • Future goals
  • Future plans for housing
  • Navigating life events

The couples counselors in Agoura Hills have experience with these topics and more. Counseling is also an option if you are dating and considering marriage in the future and want confirmation that you are ready before the proposal.

Your significant other may not be interested in counseling, especially if they grew up with the stigma that was once attached to psychotherapy. But counseling has come a long way. Approach the subject as and enrichment opportunity and something you want to try so that you can be open about your own struggles and better prepared for marriage. Some people will not seek counseling for themselves, but they will for the person they love.

Each counseling session takes place in a confidential setting with a licensed counselor in Agoura Hills. You can choose to visit in person with your counselor or hold virtual sessions. Since it is premarital counseling, you will want to choose a time that will work for both you and your partner.

The number of sessions depends on the counselor and your needs as a couple. Most counselors recommend once-weekly sessions for four to six weeks. Your counselor may give you suggestions about specific behaviors or conflict resolution practices and have you report back the results.

As your sessions progress, you may discover more about one another. Premarital counseling is the best place to find solutions to possible problems now. Of course, life throws curveballs and we cannot prepare for everything that may happen to us, but we can do our best to cover what we can.

At Agoura Christian Counseling, we operate on the Christian faith and belief that Jesus set us free from the bondage of sin. We believe in the healing power of the Bible and we recognize that all science, including psychology, is here to help us heal and move past traumas, mental conditions, and issues. We cannot erase the past or predict the future, but we know that armed with the right skills and the Word of God, we can overcome any obstacle.

Premarital counseling at Agoura Christian Counseling combines faith-based principles with psychotherapy techniques to promote healing and overcome issues in today’s world while growing closer in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Maintaining a relationship with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone in the foundation of your marriage can help you weather any storm. You will learn that you can lean on your spouse during the tough times, but that God is there for both of you to pull strength from in the hard times. He will never leave you nor forsake you. All you have to do is seek and follow Him.

Are you ready to step down the aisle? Now is the time to seek premarital counseling in Agoura Hills. Arm yourself with the skills to get through almost any obstacle that may come your way. Couples who have remained married for forty, fifty, sixty years and longer know that marriage has its ups and downs. Prepare yourself to lead with grace, forgiveness, empathy, and kindness.

Contact our office today at Agoura Christian Counseling to schedule a premarital counseling session. Your counselor will work with you to customize a plan. You may attend sessions for a few weeks or as long as six to eight weeks depending on your progress. Give us a call today.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182